[BOOK|TXT] Introduction to Sociology, 5th Edition

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This text has been fully updated to include the latest key debates, topics and data, and also highlights the importance of technology in contemporary social life. He earned a bachelor's degree from Cornell University and Introduuction doctorate in sociology from the University Introxuction Pennsylvania. His Introfuction 5th Edition wide-ranging, focusing on community life in the United States, interpersonal intimacy in families, effective teaching, humor, new information technology, and the importance of global education. In addition, Macionis and Nijole V. John Macionis is Professor and Distinguished Scholar of Sociology at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, where he has taught for almost thirty years. During that time, he has chaired the Sociology Department, directed the college's multidisciplinary program Socilogy humane studies, presided over the campus senate and the college's faculty, and taught sociology to thousands of students. In 2002, the American Introduction to Sociology Association presented Macionis with the Award for Distinguished Imtroduction to Teaching, citing his innovative use of global material as well as the introduction of new teaching technology in his textbooks. Professor Macionis has been active in academic programs in other countries, having traveled to some fifty nations. For 5th Edition, traveling and writing are all dimensions of teaching. First, and foremost, I am a teacher-a passion for teaching animates everything I do. He enjoys extensive contact with students and invites everyone enrolled in each of his classes to enjoy a home-cooked meal. The Macionis family-John, Amy, and children McLean and Whitney-live on a farm in rural Ohio. Macionis is as an environmental activist in the Lake George region of New York's Adirondack Mountains, working with a number oforganizations, including the Intorduction George Land Conservancy, where he serves as president of the board of trustees.

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